Wednesday, September 22, 2010

crazy trip to town...

so I had a huge list of places to stop when I made it to town today. I had the pet store to get Ally's new halter...isn't it cute?

I had to go to the Christian book store next. They were having a big sale and I needed a new Bible for school. NIV, which I don't have, so I got an adorable "In Bloom Edition" that has a leather cover with a flower on it!

I also found a couple of CD's in the bargain bin...

 a really cute water bottle...

and the most adorable book. It's written by Phil Visher, the creator of Veggie Tales. It comes with a CD of the story (with music) there's a chorus to the story that he sings. So cute! The first page sold me because it's set in the "northwest Territ'ry" and it's about beavers who escape from a trapper.

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